How to Support Yourself in Challenging Times
/For those of you who are empathic, sensitive, and feeling triggered by the domestic terrorism in our country this week, this year, and the past 400+ years, as well as the lineage of a human race that has not treated other humans with dignity, I wanted to share how to support yourself.
What I have learned from trauma, somatic, energy healing and study is that when we are triggered we can easily get stuck back in old trauma, dissociate, ungrounded. It is very important to get regulated and grounded while staying informed and doing our shadow work.
Turn off the tv, computer, social media. Limit your “information” to when you know you can receive it without taking it on energetically. Go outside, be in nature, connect with the Source. Nature is healing. It is infinite. It can hold much more than our little human bodies can hold.
*I am not a doctor but these are some of the tools I have used, researched, and seen support my clients*
Free form writing and burning it, punching a pillow, screaming into a pillow, singing loud at the top of your lungs, or non-linear movement and sweat inducing exercise (like The Class) activates the element of fire with in. It supports us in using our anger for better boundaries, for connection to our truth, and to our power.
Cold showers, cold ocean swimming, crying are all ways that we can use water to cleanse away the deep grief and sadness that is under the anger. Water will take it back to earth. Earth will compost what no longer serves and turn it into something that will nurture. Water brings a cooling, hydration and nourishment.
The anger and sadness truth that you came to in fire and water become the truth and seeds you plant into earth. Stand on earth, walking barefoot on the earth (in warm and cold climates), give her an offering of crushed up tea leaves, dried flowers, herbs, honor the Indigenous People who’s land you are occupying.
The truth you plant becomes the intentions and thoughts you allow to blow through the wind through the words you speak. Let the air and mental energy that circulates through your mind, conversations, and writing, and each breath support that truth.
Look up at the sky, feel the immensity of Source, Spirit, Universe, God that is all around you. God is not within you. You are a part of the whole of God. Feel that immensity that you ARE Source. Call upon the angels, guides, ancestors, masters, and teachers above, below, behind, ahead, all around you.
In addition to accessing nature and elemental medicine, connect with those you love. Hug someone you love. Look into the eyes of someone you love. Ask them to hold you if that is what you need (with a mask if necessary). Science shows that a 20 second hug calms your nervous system. We are on this plane together, to support, love, and hold each other.
With love, Gwen