Friday, February 14, 2025, 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
This is a virtual circle where Gwen will open the Akashic Records and attune to the messages the dimension of the Akashic has for each of our human and soul journey. The Records are similar to a higher dimensional library that contains every experience of every soul of all infinite time. Similar to String Theory, the Akashic Records are a database of what is happening in all universes at all times, and is not linear time as we experience here as humans on earth.
You can join this circle complimentary as part of the Expansion Monthly Membership. As an exclusive member, you have the opportunity to join an array of transformative events every month, including a virtual Breathwork Circle, a virtual Akashic Records Circle, and a virtual Human Design Workshop. Experience this amazing community of women, attend transformative events, and enjoy exclusive bonus offerings and discounts for only $64/month.