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Free 30-Days of Breathwork + Nervous System Transformation

  • Los Angeles CA 90064 USA (map)

Over 1000 people have moved through the 30-Days of Breathwork + Nervous System Transformation. Each round includes new science, spirituality, exercises and depth.

How it works: You will register, receive an email to join the private online group, introduce yourself and set your intention, complete a survey before you start, during the 30-Days, and a final survey at the end of the 30-Days.

Each day you will receive one notification in the online portal with all three of your breathing and/or nervous system, somatic, spiritual practices for the day.

The practices will take 1-5 minutes, so a total of 3-15 minutes each day (there are a few options later in the 30 Days if you want to take up to 30 minutes per day). Community members notice a significant decrease in stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, racing thoughts, and an increase in calm, peace, balance, inspiration, creativity, sleep, self trust and self love.