3-month certification in breathwork through a science-based, somatic, spiritual psychology, shamanic, and trauma-informed lens
Have you been in the healing arts services and want to add breathwork as a tool for clients? Or have you resisted breathwork but want to learn why and gain the benefits of breathwork? Are a talented coach but know the power of breath and want to bring this into your services with clients? Maybe you are blocking and sabotaging yourself from fully shining your light and know now is the time. Or have you experienced a powerful breathwork session and want to share this with your family, friends and community. Maybe you work in a corporate setting but have intuitive, spiritual and healing gifts and want to share them with others. I have experienced each of these and created a certification that is designed to meet you exactly where you are.
In this highly experiential training, you will go on a personal healing journey, tap into your gifts, and learn how to share your unique medicine.
move yourself and others From trauma to safety, fear to love, separation to connection, control to trust and surrender, ego to heart, stuck to expressED and expanDED
virtual training STARTS FEBRUARY 7, 2025
Live in-person classes are Saturday-Sunday April 5-6, May 3-4, June 7-8 in Annapolis, Maryland co-facilitated with Trish Brewer.
The Saturday classes are a full day 10am-4pm, with 1 hour lunch break. The Sunday classes are a half days from 10am-1pm.
The training also includes additional workshops on diversity and inclusion, trauma, conscious marketing, branding, human design, legal.
In addition to the live class weekends, there will be one Zoom call each month to ask questions and receive guidance, and a virtual group.
virtual training STARTS SEPTEMBER 5, 2025
Live virtual classes are the 1st and 3rd Fridays each month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm PT.
The training also includes additional workshops on diversity and inclusion, trauma, conscious marketing, branding, human design, legal.
In addition to the live class weekends, there will be one Zoom call each month to ask questions and receive guidance, and a virtual group.
Have you had a powerful breathwork experience and want to learn more, and bring this modality to your life?
Do you feel excited, nervous, resistant about laying down and doing your own breathwork?
Are you ready to connect with your intuition and feel confident as a space holder?
activation breathwork training
Learn how to use Somatic Medicine(TM) process that integrates trauma-informed somatic healing, inclusivity, spiritual psychology, life coaching, positive psychology to understand your and your client’s challenges and how to support them in their own healing and freedom. Learn reframing and releasing limiting beliefs, inner child healing, projection and shadow work. Learn how to regulate your and your client’s nervous system and guide clients through somatic medicine, tap into your intuitive gifts, in ways that allow breathwork healing to be easier and softer.
Learn about the lineage, history, physiology and science of pranayama, breathing tools and breathwork healing. Understand the integrated roles of the nervous system, poly vagal theory, neuroscience and trauma in breathwork and healing. Learn how to create sacred spaces, facilitate individual sessions, group sessions and reflection circles. Learn to intuit and observe patterns and challenges within a breathwork session and group. Learn how to help clients resource and practically integrate what happens in a session into life for sustainable transformation.
Learn about different methodologies of ancestral, shamanic, energetic and light work. Learn how to access your unique gifts and channel these energies in an authentic and aligned way. Learn how to hold energy in groups, circles, couples and individual sessions. Open to a new level of consciousness, awareness and experiential embodiment through your own healing that transmits as a space holder and energy worker for others. For those who are interested, there is an optional information on how to integrate for your unique Human Design into your offerings and services.
Lead individual and group breathwork sessions so you feel embodied and confident as a space holder. Learn how to build clean and clear, conscious and authentic services, with practical support for your marketing, branding, human design, and sharing. Understand the ethics, boundaries, legalities, financial exchange. Receive expert workshops for these topics, as well as DEIB training as a space holder, guide, and leader. Receive a private coaching session as part of your training and receive support with your unique expansion as a healer, space holder, and guide.
I loved taking the Activation Breathwork Training with Gwen. She is a WEALTH of knowledge in this space, and soaking up all the information she knows from her in this training was a true gift. I have my yoga teacher training certification, and adding this Activation Breathwork Training to my instructor toolbox is helpful. I realize how beneficial it is to work with clients who may not be in an actual workout space and to create a space for someone to breathe.
My favorite was learning and practicing one-on-one with other students in the training, and Gwen did real-time coaching and feedback during the course. If you're a coach to others, and feel called to add Breathwork to your toolbox, it is a MUST to have this Activation Breathwork Training under your belt. I love how Gwen integrates these everyday clients and teaches us how to integrate them.
Jami Crist, Marketing, Brand, Community Builder Executive
It took me two to three months to get myself to Breathwork because my ego was resistant. Yet once I laid down and did the Breathwork, I had one of the best experiences of my life. It was the first time I cried since my mother passed away eight years ago. Gwen holds a space that has deep medicine and it cracked me open. It was transcendent.
Dr. Christian Gonzalez, Naturopath, Heal Thyself Podcast
I was blown away by my own Breathwork experiences and I wanted to sign up for the Activation Training but I was nervous to financially invest because I am a single mother and had just suffered a big financial loss.
I followed my gut, registered for the training, and within two sessions I booked a $6,000 modeling job. I truly believe Breathwork shifted the past trauma and brought my self-worth and my power back.
During the training I got to learn the scientific and spiritual aspects, as well as a plethora of life changing tools. Gwen was available for any questions and support I needed. Since entering into Gwen's container my life has completely changed for the better. I have more confidence in myself, and I can now set out to accomplish things that I never thought I could do. I am so grateful to Gwen, and I’m so happy to be part of her container, and community.
Emma Ward, Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, Model
Working with Gwen during the Activation Breathwork Training was a wonderful experience and investment in myself. I signed up for this deep dive with Gwen's coaching after seeing the benefits of breathwork in her New Moon and Full Moon circles in both my overall peace of mind and the insights I received during this powerful practice. The Activation Training was meaningful in both the time spent learning in a small group setting.
The changes I see in my busy life when I make the time to pay attention to my own inner wisdom and practice moving energy through my body using breathwork. The training is clearly organized, trauma-informed, and Gwen does a wonderful job of bringing in outside experts to add knowledge. I made deep connections with others in the group and felt incredibly supported throughout the entire training. I recommend this training to those who want to deepen their own breathwork practice and invest in their mind-body connection.
Ashley Richardson, Managing Principle Architect
I recently completed a four-month Activation Training course with Gwen where I worked on deepening my breathwork practice, enhancing my energy work, and learning trauma-informed processing techniques to guide myself and others.
Gwen’s approach is open-hearted, and Spirit-led yet also very pragmatic, keeping one grounded through the course. The curriculum was thorough, the container supportive, and the one-on-one practical experiences were priceless. I have already recommended this course to at least four of my clients!
Since I began working with Gwen the trajectory of my path has expanded at a rate I did not expect. I feel seen, heard, and held by her in a way that I have not experienced before. I cannot recommend her enough. I am forever grateful our paths crossed.
Trish D. Brewer, Breathwork and Reiki Master
frequently asked questions
Our first in-person training will be held on the East Coast in Annapolis, MD April, May, June 2025:
The training is three weekends over the course of three months, on Saturdays and Sundays April 5-6, May 3-4, June 7-8. Saturday classes will run from 10 am to 4 pm. Sunday classes will run from 10 am to 1 pm. We want to honor that you might be commuting, you might have families, and you might have to prepare for your week ahead so we wanted to give ample time for training and self care. You must complete all three weekends, submit your 12 practice sessions, 2 groups through a sample session, and share your practicum with the group in order to receive a certification.
In addition to the in-person classes, we are offering three live Zoom calls to address any additional questions or concerns that you might have during the weeks between our live classes. The dates of those calls are: Friday April 18, Friday May 16 from 1-2 pm PT / 4-5 pm ET.
When is the next virtual training?
The next training is scheduled to start on Friday, September 5, 2025 from 10 am - 12 pm PT. The live training classes are typically the 1st and 3rd Fridays each month from 10 am to 12 pm PT. You will also have access to Expansion to engage in monthly breathwork, as well as practicing with partners, and breathing during the breathwork and last two modules of the training.
How much time is the virtual training each week?
In addition to the two, 2-hour live classes each month, you be expected to practice for 1 hour with an assigned partner twice a month (a new partner will be assigned to you each month, you will schedule a convenient time to practice with your partner) on the weeks when we do not have a live class. In addition to live classes, homework (reflection, reading, journaling, etc) it is suggested to block off 1-4 hours each week for the course. It’s more about embodying and practicing the course work in your daily life.
What is required to receive a certificate?
In addition to attending the live class (other than in the event of an emergency that requires you to miss a class), practicing with your partners twice a month, leading a total of 12 practice individual sessions, and lead 1 group sessions, and sharing your unique medicine with the group in our last live class (the practicum).
What is the practicum?
The practicum is a 5-15 minute presentation for the group on your vision for how you want to share this medicine in world. For example how you envision bringing this to your current profession, to your personal life, or a dream of a non profit or business. You can share through your unique creative gifts.
Is the training in-person?
There are two options. There is one East Coast in-person training, and two virtual trainings each year. We will be adding West Coast in-person training in 2026.
Is this training for coaches and healers only?
No. The training is ideal for any individual who has curiosity in breathwork for their own healing, as well as to become a facilitator for others. Some of our students and graduates create breathwork services, add breathwork to existing services, or use it solely for themselves and their friends and family.
Is energy and breathwork training effective online?
Yes. This training is highly experiential, personally transformational, and will prepare you to be a space holder, guide, and breathwork facilitator for others if that is your intention.
What is the investment?
There are payment plans for the training as well as options to pay in full.
I already have training in another modality of breathing. What will I learn in this course that will be different from my other training?
I would wonder the same thing, why you are curious in doing this training with me, if you already have been trained in another modality? Meaning, what are you still looking for, what do you want to create in your life or business that you aren't doing now, and what did you see on the sales page that intrigued or inspired you to register.
Some people have said they want to know how to hold space and help clients process, or they want to be trauma informed, or they want to know more about the science behind breathwork and healing, or they have been facilitating but are ready to go to the next level, which for them might mean to hold groups, overcome imposter syndrome, fear of being seen, struggling with money or expressing themselves on social media. Whatever the reason, you will address that in this training because the training is not only to learn information, but to embody through your own transformation.
Will we learn the science of breathing and breathwork healing?
You will learn the history of breathing, the science, physiology, nervous system, poly vagal theory of breathing, breath testing, as well different breathing practices to support the nervous system between breathwork healing sessions, and what is believed to be happening during breathwork healing sessions.
What if I am not sure I have the funds or I will be able to attend the live classes?
My suggestion is to get very clear if this is something you truly want to invest your time and financial exchange in because the question might be stemming from a competing intention - meaning you aren’t and are ready to invest. If you are ready, past clients have co-created the money they deeply desired once they made the commitment.
I also encourage processing any misbeliefs you might have about your time and finances that could be preventing you from joining, if joining is what you deeply desire. I have invested in many certifications, trainings, programs, and a masters. As a coach I have learned is that sometimes it is not the divine time (and we need to honor our budgetary and time boundaries). However sometimes it is the divine time but fear shows up through not feeling like we have the funds or time. Only you will know the difference.
“I was craving community, mentorship, and knowledge. I wanted to explore my intuitive abilities. Gwen crafted a beautiful journey of lectures, questions and answers, partner work, inner reflection, group sharing, and guest speakers.
I know I received a premium approach to breath work, trauma work, and how they intersect with other schools of energy work. You will be surprised at how much ground you cover in four months. Activation forged a bond between myself and my inner knowing, and the other individuals in the container. We witnessed each other, had epiphanies, shed tears, and learned how interconnected we all are, which rippled into our worlds.
Breathwork is a powerful tool that will help you change your life and the lives of the people you do it with. Call it divine timing or fate of Gwen’s expert eye in attracting the people who are meant to work with these tools, this container will give you who and what you need as soon as you join.
Whether you are looking to facilitate breathwork, discover your intuitive abilities, connect with others on a healing journey, or catalyze your own self growth, Activation will come to you when you need it the most. Answer the call and say yes.”
The training involves:
Two, virtual, live group calls per month, plus an additional class to complete certification
In the live calls you’ll receive education and guidance, practice and time for Q&A, and laser coaching for your transformation
Expert workshops on diversity + equity + inclusion, trauma-informed + therapist perspective, holistic marketing, legal support
Support from Gwen and the community between live training calls in the private virtual community
Homework and partner practice calls on weeks we do not have a live call each month
One private session with Gwen during or within 4 weeks after the training
YOUR Investment IS:
The virtual investment is $2999 in one payment, or 4 payments of $775
The in-person investment is $3333 in one payment, or 4 payments of $858
You are committed to completing the 6 live calls, 6 partner sessions, 6 additional practice sessions, lead 1 group session + practicum
The investment for the training is non-refundable, so you continue regardless of what surfaces, because material will surface and we are learning to use somatic and breathwork to navigate life and healing.
training commitments:
This is a highly experiential modality therefore live attendance is required on group calls on the 1st and 3rd week of each month
Live practice sessions with your partners are scheduled in your own time and required on the 2nd and 4th weeks of each month
You will receive powerpoint slides, guides for individual, couple, group sessions, and homework each week of the month
Gwen’s live support and guidance on all live calls and between sessions
for Certification:
Complete 12 practice individual sessions and 1 practice group session (in the training with your fellow students)
The practicum in the last live class, which is a culmination of what you learned and what you want to share
Practicum is required in order to receive a certificate for the course
“During the end of an incredibly intense hour, I felt multiple presences gently shaking my hands; not to rouse or disturb me, but sending a comforting message: “We’re always here.” I knew it was my grandparents there, too, reminding me I was not alone, and I was okay.”