You are A unique BEING However your upbringing and societal pressure can CONDITION YOU out of living in accordance to your innate blueprint.
in this group you will learn both information and embodiment practices to apply in all aspects of your life, work, relationships, healing and gifts.
return to the truth of who you are. In doing so, you bring peace, satisfaction, success and joy into your life and to others.
Do you want to let go of old ways of living and design a life that brings satisfaction, peace, surprise?
Do you want to have a deeper understanding of your unique energy and how to maximize it?
Do you want to have more awareness of your strengths, vulnerabilities, and shadows?
Do you continually feel tired, burned out, overwhelmed, like nothing is working?
Do you want to know why your soul incarnated here and embody purpose?
Do you want to learn about how you can improve your relationships?
Do you enjoy learning through deep connection and collaboration?
WHAT IS Human Design?
Human Design was download by Ra Uru Hu in Ibiza Spain in 1987 after he had a mystical experience. It draws from Vedic Astrology, Quantum Physics, I Ching Hexagram, Kabbalah Tree of Life, and Hindu Chakra System. Human Design is not a religion, it is an activation of remembering the soul and human blueprint that is already within you.
Thinking and pushing ourselves prove we are enough, we are worthy, pressure to think, feeling like we are on an emotional rollercoaster, drained or burned out trying to achieve success like everyone else pulls you farther away from your innate energetic frequency and expression. There is a way that can support you in returning to your authentic knowing, ancient rhythm, in modern life - your Quantum Human Design Blueprint.
Human Design can leave people feeling confused or overwhelmed with the amount of information to be assimilated. I wanted to create a container that would allow you to learn but more importantly experience what you are learning in class as it applies to your daily life. In doing so, information becomes embodied and thus wisdom.
When some learn about their Human Design, it feels like a validation of who they have know themselves to be but have been conditioned or tried to operate like society told them to or like everyone else around them. Other individuals don’t resonate with their Human Design upon first learning about it because they had been unconsciously conditioned not to think, learn, work, and live from their innate energy.
Learning about who you are, how you operate, what motivates you, how to notice when you are off track, allows you to live with more inspiration, clarity, expression, worth, motivation, energy, emotional regulation, intuition, trust flow, ease, and peace.
You have downloaded a free Human Design chart, you have been learning about your design from Instagram memes, maybe you’ve even had a private reading, or purchased a personalized PDF, but are still searching for a deep understanding of what all of the words and information means and how to apply it to your life.
You observe ways that you still try to engage in your life, energy, health, self care practices, work, finances, relationships, intuition, making decisions and your purpose either like everyone else, or as you were taught to do, and it’s not working for you.
You consistently or go through waves of feeling tired, burnt out, overwhelmed, dysregulated, disconnected, disappointed, frustrated, angry, or confused about your purpose and next steps.
You worry that you do not have what it takes like other people do, you take action only to regress, or you wonder if you really have the time and/or energy to manifest and co-create what you deeply desire for yourself, your dreams, and life path.
You see other people expressing themselves, being authentic, experiencing freedom, feeling confident in sharing their gifts, manifesting what they deeply desire, and you want that for yourself too but keep playing small and safe.
You are ready to step out of the old structures that never felt quite right, ready to tap into your unique way of making decisions, trusting your intuition, optimal health and environments, and be in harmony with yourself.
you are a unique and quantum expression
YOU DON’T HAVE TO follow what works for others
Embodying Human Design is following your unique blueprint
and doing this work in an intimate container will expand your energy
This is an invitation from my heart because you are ready to embody YOU
WE EXCAVATE OLD ENERGy to live your true frequency
to share your soul’s purpose and why it incarnated here
HOW YoU’lL do this:
8 live classes led by Gwen that are recorded
Video, visual, and audio learning at your own pace
Integration of learning, coaching, healing, and expansion
One private 30-minute Human Design Activation Session
A personal PDF guide from Gwen for your specific Human Design
Each week you will receive a new module and learning on how to apply your Human Design to your life
Between each module you will have homework to de-condition the old beliefs and somatic healing as to where that was held in the body
Each week you will also receive embodiment practices to reawaken, reconnect, and expand into the fullest expression of your unique energy
Over the course of the 8-Week Embodiment Group, you will receive educational materials to learn more components of your Human Design and embodiment practices to de-condition and awaken your true expression through the following modules:
Week 1: Foundations
Week 2: De-conditioning Tools
Week 3: Health, Nutrition, Weight
Week 4: Intuition and Psychic Gifts
Week 5: Business, Work and Wealth
Week 6: Relationships and Connection
Week 7: Soul Purpose
Week 8: Integration
I’m Gwen Dittmar, a 5/1 Heart Manifestor, Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aries Rising, Enneagram 3, and single mama of two incredible souls.
In my approach with my clients, I integrate my Masters in Spiritual Psychology, certifications in Coaching, Human Design, Breathwork, Reiki, Shamanic Energy Medicine, Safe and Sound Poly Vagal Protocol and Neural Reprogramming to initiate my clients and high-achievers like you - successful, smart, spiritual yet burned out - open to something deeper.
With all but two open centers, I am able to see all of who you are, where you are wasting energy, where you can amplify your energy, where you need to let go, and where you need to take action. I have the Gate of the Shaman, the Money Channel, and I bring defined heart energy of accountability, determination and commitment, to support you in embodying who you are.
Over the past six years I have been studying Human Design through the teachings of Ra Uru Hu and Karen Curry Parker, Gene Keys through the teachings of Richard Rudd. I have run five human design embodiment groups since 2020, ten RISE Group Coaching programs, five Activation Breathwork Trainings, thousands of coaching clients, and hundreds of Human Design readings for individuals, families, teams and companies. I’m excited to bring this experience, strength, and hope to YOU!
8 weekly video and visual modules, as well as de-conditioning and embodiment practices with Gwen (valued at $4000)
One private 30-minute Human Design Activation Session and personalized PDF Guide (valued at $1125)
Access to Gwen and members in a private portal (priceless connection)
The Value of Human Design Embodiment, an 8-Week Container to Embody Your Quantum Energetic Blueprint is over $5213
I want you to join because I know how impactful this group for embodying your Human Design
I INVITE YOU listen to the wisdom of your design.
WHAT DOES YOUR heart, sacral, instinct, consistent emotional energy say?
BY JOINING human design embodiment, YOU ARE saying yes to your EXPANSION.
“I had minimal knowledge of Human Design prior to the group. My only hesitation for the group was the financial commitment. I am so glad I took that leap of faith and joined.
As a result of the group, I know my how to protect and manage my energy, how to start and end my day. I take more time to rest and I am even more effective and powerful as a leader. I have become more clear on my gifts and strengths.
I loved having a private session with Gwen as well as the group for embodiment and insights. This is a great investment and will validate and clarify how you live, how to get unstuck, and move forward.”
“If you want to experience a sacred container to integrate your whole self and explore new perspectives, this is a great container. This is not a guru, dogma, or self help lecture. It is a deep and guided conversation with living, breathing concepts.
The group is an experiential, interactive experience that helps you understand more about yourself and apply it to your life. Beyond an intellectual perspective, this group will allow you to up-level in your daily practical life. Expect to have awarenesses and ah-ha moments!”
“The group helped me see and let go of limiting beliefs that affected my work and life. It was quite surprising that so much happened in just six weeks because I thought I was self-aware person and this group showed me there was more to unpack and rewrite. The top insights from the group were it’s okay to work and be different than others, like working hard, working all the time. I liked how practical and applicable the information was for me in regards to my best work flow, as well as optimal digestive and nutritional ways of being. Last, and most importantly, I learned I can trust myself. ”
“Gwen has such a gentle, thoroughness to her teaching style. Her knowledge and passion for Human Design was the best kind of companion I could ask for as I was learning about my human design. She attracts wonderful clients on personal growth paths and is a wonderful guide for those interested in exploring their human design!”
“I have a better understanding of how to integrate parts of my unique energy, gifts, and design into my business and life as a result of being a part of this group. Knowing where to target my energy, how to make decisions, and what to do when I feel stuck or triggered has allowed me to grow, expand, and grow my business!”
Q: I’m in, Gwen! What happens after I sign up?
A: After you sign up you will receive an official email confirmation that welcomes you into the Human Design Embodiment container. This email contains everything you need to know to get oriented and settled as we begin. I’m so honored to serve you.
Q: Can I study and learn about my design on my own?
A: I have completed four levels of Human Design Certification and will bring that education and experience of reading hundreds of charts for individuals, families, teams, and companies. You can read books and study on your home. But we are not meant to learn in isolation. We are meant to learn through shared intentions, relationships, community, connection, collaboration. When we learn in groups we learn exponentially, see through different perspectives and insights. You will get to deeply reflect on your own processes, emotions, blocks, and operating patterns through the educational materials, embodiment practices, group sharing, and direct coaching.
Q: I know the value of high-level, high-touch, experiential programs. How can I apply the investment into my life?
A: You will have gained tools and knowledge in the foundations and main focal points of human design, de-conditioning, and embodiment. It is my intention that you not only know how to support yourself through any challenge or vision and soul’s calling. Some of my clients have been able to share these tools within their leadership, teams, spouses, friends, and family. The ripple-effect here is immense.
8 weekly video and visual modules, as well as de-conditioning and embodiment practices with Gwen (valued at $4000)
One private 30-minute Human Design Activation Session and personalized PDF Guide (valued at $1125)
Access to Gwen and members in a private portal (priceless connection)