30-Days of Breathwork
I was an athlete. I was deeply connected to my breath bu then I had kids…and my life got full.
Time seemed to slip away from the time I woke up to when I fell asleep reading my kids their bedtime stories.
Looking back, I accessed my breath on a daily basis through daily swimming, running, cycling, dancing or yoga.
But all of that went to the wayside when I had kids…until I discovered breath tools that changed my life forever.
That is why I created the 30-Day Breathwork Challenge and Transformation so that you can change your life too!
Once I engaged and felt the power of breathing tools in my daily life I could see clearly why most of my clients kept showing up to sessions complaining of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, fatigue, feeling like they had no time for exercise, self care, let alone breathing tools.
So I created the 30-Day Breathwork Challenge and Transformation based on what I had done for myself and shared it with clients and my community and now I want to share it at large for everyone to experience the power of breathing in 1-5 minutes a day.
Once you register, you will be invited to join my private group where you will connect with incredible spiritual professionals, entrepreneurs, stay at home moms who, like you, know how powerful breathwork is, have engaged in practices at some point, but it has fallen to the wayside for one reason or another. Through breathing together you will reconnect to your breath, your body, your vitality!
The practices will take only 1-5 minutes, so a total of 3-15 minutes each day to enhance your life. The private group will also include a pre and post survey (if you want to track your progress from start to finish), scientific articles and videos for acumen and ancestral lineage of the breathing practices, and most importantly, support from myself and your fellow breathers to stay consistent and create new self care habits and improve your mood, self awareness, ability to relax and sleep.
Why not create this in an app?
Because a study found that you have a 65% increased chance of completing a goal if you commit to at least one person and if you have a specific accountability appointment with that person you've committed to, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%
Part of this 30-Day Breathwork Challenge is making the commitment to show up each day, comment on the daily post each day, so you feel the empowerment and joy of creating a daily habit and through fellowship and connection.
Myself and your fellow breathers in the private group are your daily accountability partners! Through the 30 Days will start to feel like you are floating and flowing through your life with more awareness, grace and ease. You can share what you are observing, learning and achieving. When you do, we all do. It is a ripple effect.