The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23, 2022 is in a mutable fire sign. This guided Breathwork recording is 60 minutes and will support you during this time of darkness, an invitation to reflect and rest. We are in an energetically charged time because it is a blank slate, a dark sky, ready to receive the intentions and seeds.
This moon is an ideal time to use the mutable fire energy to check the path of your life. If you are feeling lost or as if you’re having a mid life crisis, this moon could be connected because it urges you to look at your life from that broad perspective - how you are living, adventuring through life, and moving beyond comfort zones to what you deeply desire?
In the circle we will be going through a life trajectory exercise that supports courage, adventure, broadening your horizons, transcending old ways, thinking more broadly, why do we have comfort zones (it is wisdom or keeping us small) and then creating actionable steps to support our spirit of adventure and how we interact with new perspectives - all energies associated with Sagittarius and New Moons.
I also love that this lunation is landing during the holiday of Thanksgiving, when you are with family and friends, giving gratitude, taking stock of the past year, and reflecting on where you want to go in 2023.