
In Part 2 of Raising Your Vibration we'll be combining a powerful visualization with using our voice.

I will take you through a guided meditation and mantra that are extremely useful in removing blocks and obstacles, conscious or unconscious.  The meditation and mantra are powerful activities that embody the goal of how to improve self-love.

Today’s process of experiencing the power of self-love will take 25-30 minutes.  

Here's what you'll need for today:

  • Block off 15 minutes for the meditation

  • Block off 9 minutes for the mantra

  • Make sure you are alone

  • Light a candle

  • Lay on the ground

1. Listen to the guided meditation

2. Second, say the mantra below out loud with me

It is suggested that you chant the mantra 108 times. If you want to take full advantage of the power of self-love, it is suggested that you chant the mantra 108 times for 21 days.

Take some time to write in a journal about your experience doing this exercise. What did you learn? How was it useful? What is your intention moving forward?

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Actions for moving forward

Anytime you feel the need to anchor into the power of self-love, complete the steps above to return to a place where you can love yourself fully.