if you can dream it, it’s already happening in another dimension of reality


Just two years ago I didn’t know if this, coaching and healing full-time, would be possible. Then I had one of those moments this morning in my hotel room when I realized what I wanted, but didn’t know was possible, had BECOME my reality.

There I was, preparing to meet with private clients, lead my online group, and teach five workshops over the following four days. Two years ago I prayed for this to be my reality. Some part of me knew this could happen. But another part felt it was impossible. Then I would be hard on myself for having thoughts that it wasn’t possible. This is what I call being in a multidimensional reality.

See, we humans live in this interesting third dimension. Meaning we live on a timeline - past, current, present. But there are other dimensions of reality that do not operate on a timeline but more of a grid - past, present, current all happening simultaneously.

So when you find yourself in that space of knowing your dream is possible but the small self feels it’s impossible, don’t despair! You’re not crazy! You’re in a GREAT place! It means your humanness is trying to catch up with what that multidimensional part of you that already knows. Do two things when you find yourself here so you don’t stay stuck there...

If you’ve already signed up for the 7-Day Challenge, which I like to call a 7-Day Opening, or you’re considering it, remember, if you can dream it, it’s already happening in another realm. Your job is to remember it and clear the blocks that prevent that from being your reality. Here we go!

With love, Gwen

What the challenge entails:

You will receive a daily email with guidance on how to move through the inner work and visioning work into the dream that is already a reality in another dimension.


Day 1-4:

Do the inner work with the part of you that is stuck in the old mindset. Work through judgments, old beliefs, aspects and shadow work, as well as self forgiveness.


Day 5-7:

Do the visioning work with the part of you that is accessing the future. Clarify, embody, bring ritual to your vision. Also learn how to bring in additional energies to support you.

Join the free 7-Day Challenge and Opening to Your Dreams