RISE Group
6-month group container for successful, spiritual women who have what they worked for but are still longing for something more - be it true purpose, to feel connected, to feel less stressed, more healthy, and in their highest self. The group coaching includes weekly calls on all levels of consciousness and expansion, and a three-day retreat in June.
How to know if rise is for you?
You are a high-achiever and you are successful.
You created what you thought you needed to be happy.
Yet you feel like something is missing BUT don’t know Why.
You might know what that missing piece is, or you might not. For most high-achievers it falls into personal, professional, or spiritual, or a combination of them.
Personal… Maybe you’re working so much that you are overwhelmed and burned out. Maybe your work defines you and you are not sure who you are without work, or how to love yourself. Maybe you’d spent time creating success that you haven’t had the time to call in a relationship and family or joy. Maybe you are ready to melt the wall around your heart.
Professional… Maybe you are stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, while pretending that you don’t feel that way. Maybe you have strength in your work but lack fulfillment. Maybe you are caught in a cycle of never having enough, feeling enough, or maybe you are in cycle of debt. Maybe you don’t know how to set boundaries with work, people pleasing, saying no. Maybe you feel like you live compartmentalized and cannot fully be yourself at work. Maybe you’re ready to come out of the spiritual closet in an industry where you don’t know how you will be received. Maybe you want to make a transition into another career or start your own business or find ways to have a more enjoyable experience at work.
Spiritual…Maybe you are empathic, highly sensitive, intuitive but don’t feel like you understand these aspects of yourself, how to set boundaries, or how to fully embrace these gifts. Maybe you are longing for a deeper spiritual connection with something greater than you. Maybe you want to learn how to let go of control and surrender. Maybe you keep experiencing success in one area of your life and long for success in another.
Either way, there is something deep down inside of you that knows it’s time to make a change. You might feel uncertain because you don’t know where to start, who to work with, what the process will entail, who or what resides on the other side.
That is where I come in, to support you and guide you back home to the wisdom, truth, healer, healing and knowing that already exists inside of you. My containers are a welcoming space for all people, gender identities, backgrounds, cultures, races and religions. While it might sound cliche, and while I value practicality of productivity, discipline and spreadsheets, I also value the spirit of who we are and the love that is at our core.
If you would like to learn more, sign up for my weekly email, join my monthly Expansion Membership to get a flavor of how I work with clients in my monthly events, or if you are ready to dive in, sign up for a discovery call or register for private or group offerings.
trust that Your life is whispering to you.
trust that Your soul wants to awaken and rise.
we create space, release the debris, awaken to what is inside.
ways to work with gwen
FEATURED and serving
Each week Gwen has intimate conversations with doctors, health practitioners, nutritionists, psychologists, coaches, healers, entrepreneurs who share their experience, strength and hope in the beautiful and gritty journey of healing and success. Gwen also shares private coaching sessions in the podcast that teach listeners how to use the challenges in life to experience the grace and know you are not alone in the beautiful grit of life.
Make sure you download the podcast, give it a rating and review, and share with someone you love. Gwen is so grateful for each one, so email a screenshot of your rating and review to receive a free 30-minute session with Gwen. Listen on Apple and Spotify.
Doing the work
For the past 17 years I’ve had the honor of guiding thousands of clients into discovering their unique design and energy, healing and releasing old beliefs, emotions, physical symptoms, ancestral patterns, and spiritual disconnection, and and embodying a wholeness and trust that is infinite.
Sometimes the work is practical, tangible, and documented in spreadsheets, strategy, ROI. Sometimes the work is abstract, spiritual, energetic, shamanic, activating, and awakening. We are spiritual beings having human experiences, and many high achievers are seeking practical, efficient, and soulful ways of working, living, from the human doing to the human being.
Sometimes our coaching and healing work takes the form of expanding in your current profession, creating a new business, enhancing or ending a relationship, creating financial abundance, or discovering the answers to, “Why am I, What is my purpose, How can I live that purpose each day?”
layer upon layer we remove the cloaks
YOU enter your healing, awakening, expansion.
Follow me on Instagram @gwendittmar