day 7: Empower Yourself

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Today we are bringing our focus to the "E" in RISE - EMPOWER 

What does it mean to EMPOWER yourself? defines empowerment as:

  • Give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

  • Make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.


Empowerment is a process that results in lifelong changes. It can be seen in every action that you take, in every choice that you make.  Empowerment is putting you first.

It’s becoming stronger. It's holding ourselves in esteem and in love. It’s knowing who we are and being confident in that knowledge. Its claiming your rights to feel, to intuit, to slow down, to trust, to love yourself.

Empowerment is an action. It’s recognizing where we feel powerless. It’s feeling the powerlessness and turning to the self-love we have to support yourself through it.

Empowerment is knowing, deep down in your bones, that you are worthy of love - your own love. It’s knowing you deserve it right here - right now.


Now take a couple moments…

Take a deep breath and ask yourself...

Who would you be if you were this image of empowerment?  What would your life be like? How would you show up for yourself? What actions would you take? Close your eyes. Open your heart. Visualize it. Feel it. Smell it. Taste it. Hear it.

Use everything that you have learned over the course to come up with 5 actions that you can take to bring you closer to to your ideal scene.  Write them down. Next assign yourself a date for them.

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Now imagine that you have already completed them.  What do you feel in your heart? Is there relief, joy, peace, contentment?  

The only thing standing in the way of you feeling this is YOU.  Prove that you love yourself and complete these actions and empower yourself to live a life of self-love.

Take some time to write in a journal about your experience doing this exercise. What did you learn? How was it useful? What is your intention moving forward?

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Actions for moving forward

Anytime you feel stuck in life and unsure of your next actions, return to this exercise.  Give yourself the space to ask for what you really want and how you can fully love yourself.

Remember to post your learnings and insights on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #RiseIntoSelfLove.  Also, don’t forget the wonderful Facebook community group here to support each other through the process.