The Energy Of Your Actions Matters More Than Your Actions
Clients hire me to help them either achieve a goal they have not been able to attain on their own or to achieve a goal in a different way than they have in the past. However, what my clients don’t realize is that their success has a lot less to do with their actions and more to do with the energy that their actions are riding on. Traditional coaching looks at where you are, where you want to be and the actions and accountability that will bring your desired results. While I support the practical goal line of coaching, I feel what a lot of clients are looking for, even if they aren’t sure what to call it, is energetic coaching. We are evolving as a species and we are experiencing different challenges than before. The current landscape is giving us lots of opportunities to become hyperaware of diversity, equity and inclusion through a pandemic and social justice. We are questioning and refining our values, goals, intentions and successes.
Well + Good: Need Your Inner Voice To Speak the EFF Up? 7 Ways To Pump Up The Volume On Your Intuition
Call it your gut, your intuition, or universal guidance, but your inner voice acts as an insanely powerful GPS to guide the decisions you make—whether that’s following the internal nudges to ditch your corporate job and sign up for yoga teacher training or just knowing when you need more sleep in your life. You just have to learn how to tap into your intuition and then act on those whispers, even when they seem to make no logical sense. Okay, but what if crickets is all you hear? How do you actually hear that inner voice? To help us answer that question, we sat down with Los Angeles-based life coach and breathwork teacher Gwen Dittmar to ask for her tips on how to hear your inner voice.
Gwen has been a guest podcasts such as Living Purely, Mindbodygreen, Heal Thy Self, Drop Into The Vortex, and many more. Gwen discusses her favorite topics such as coaching, human design, breathwork, moon mastery for women, addiction, sobriety, relationships, parenting, meditation, health and well-being, energy medicine, and more.
Gwen has been featured as a collaborator, presenter, panel speaker, and guide at conferences and workshops with MindBodyGreen Revitalize, The Best You, Sophie Jaffe, as well as Zoom Workshops for Under Armor, Purely Elizabeth, and more.