Soul activation session

These sessions are for high-achieving, smart, successful, empathetic and spiritual women.

You have a successful career, hobbies and passion projects, full schedules and lives. Yet you were looking for even more. You felt guilty that you wanted more. But that fire inside is longing and searching.

This is your space to receive the mindset shift, emotional healing, spiritual awakening, physical and practical strategy, and energetic opening, all in one session.


Grounding into your vision

We often don’t know what we want, or we know what we want but have no idea on how to get there. Through a visioning exercise, you will ground down into your deepest desire and ideal vision. By rooting and embodying yourself into the vision, you’ll tune out the external noise and overload of information, calm your nervous system, and attune to the inner wisdom that already resides within your body.

Chakras: 1 and 2

Elements: Earth & Fire


Nourishing your vision 

Just like the seeds we plant in our gardens need nourishment from the sun and rain, our desires also need nourishment. Bring nourishment to your visions and desires by identifying and clearing any lingering fears, traumas, grief, and old beliefs, as well as any blocks or obstacles for the heart to open in a safe and sacred container inside and outside of you.

Chakras: 3, 4 and 5

Elements: Water & Metal


Awakening into your vision

Once we’ve created foundations and released what no longer serves us, we can be an open vessel. In this final portion you’ll awaken the spiritual eye and open the crown to receive insight, intuition, innovation, collective higher conscious through Breathwork. In doing so you will open yourself to being a vessel and channel for source, creating spiritual muscle memory in preparation for returning to daily life. Breathwork will release any lingering blocks, awaken the mystic to co-create through you, and open to any additional downloads and insights. You learn to tap into your innate leader, healer, guide, and guru. 

Chakras: 6 and 7

Element: Air & Ethos